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Behind the Scenes

Meet some the people dedicated to helping SCAAC

build community through art.

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SCAAC's Staff:

Executive Director : Cat Olson (

Programming Coordinator : Emily Fekkes (

Digital Media Coordinator : Hanna Gould (

SCAAC's Board of Directors:

Jason Dorsey, President, Redeemer Redmond

Karla Matzke, Vice-President, Matzke Fine Art Gallery & Sculpture Park

Rose Olson, Treasurer, Community Member

Carm Pierce, Built Design

Deanna Lane, Allied Arts of Whatcom County

Judith Fernandes, Judith Fern Productions

Sam Fairley, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

SCAAC Committee Leads:

Nominating Committee : Sam Fairley

Building Committee : Carm Pierce

Programming Committee : Emily Fekkes

Finance Committee : Rose Olson

Community Engagement Committee : Hanna Gould, Rose Olson, Sarah Curfman & Paula Thomas

Big THANK YOU to all the volunteers that keep the committees running!

If you have any questions, please email:

Cat Olson, Executive Director :

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